So says our own Tom McClintock, a Tea Party Caucus member and outspoken critic of economic stimulus. Just months after trashing the stimulus bill on the floor of Congress Congressman McClintock went tin cupping for stimulus money to the Secretary of Barack Obama's Transportation Department, Ray LaHood.
McClintock sought funding for a rail project in Oregon and California. Here is the text of McClintock's letter to LaHood (dated September 14, 2009):
Dear Secretary LaHood,
I write in support of Lake County, OR and Modoc County, CA's application for American Reinvestment and Recovery Act of 2009 (ARRA) Transportation Investment Generating Economic Recovery (TIGER) funding.
This project would repair and rehabilitate the Lake County Railroad, a 55 mile shortline railroad, to Class II operating standards. It would replace 29 miles of rail, repair and rehabilitate 26 miles of rail, and resurface and reballast all 55 miles.
The Lake County Railroad was purchased in 1985 and it is currently the only rail connection to commerce outside Lake County. The 160 (plus) mile corridor has a direct economic impact on two States and four Counties. Both states (Oregon and California) and all four counties (Lake, Klamath, Modoc, Siskiyou) are economically depressed with a history of high unemployment in relation to the national average. The Stimulus bill was intended to create jobs so this is an ideal recipient of funding to rehabilitate a railroad that will bring economic growth to a depressed area.
I appreciate your consideration of this application.
Tom McClintock
Here's McClintock in his speech at a Tea Party rally in Sacramento on April 15, 2009:
"We’ve watched how too much spending, too much borrowing and too much taxing has wrecked our state of California. We are now watching it threaten to ruin our country. And we have had enough."
But just five months later this same guy was writing a letter asking for government pork and giving job creation as a reason.
See through the sham, folks. The "Tea Party" is nothing more than the same old stuff repackaged. If you put Republicans back in power - even the Tea Party types - you will not get what you want.
The only way to meaningfully reduce government spending and cut taxes is to cut national defense spending. If the Tea Party crowd is not willing to touch defense then they aren't really serious about cutting spending. We spend about as much on defense as the rest of the world combined. And it's the largest part of the federal budget.
But on this question McClintock is clear: We ought to spend more on defense. This is from his campaign web site: "We need to fully fund our nation’s military in order to protect our nation from any threat in the world. Reagan’s idea of 'peace through strength' is an idea we need to return to."
McClintock just doesn't get it. Or rather, he's just another hypocritical Tea Party politician. He gets it but he doesn't want you to know. He's a pork-o-crite. If you thought he was some sort of conservative marvel then you were sadly mistaken.