Click here to view the news story which is sweeping through the internet.
NACA's founder and CEO getting arrested advocating for Chase homeowners at the Senate Banking Committee. Click here to view the news story which is sweeping through the internet. NACA will continue to fight for all homeowners. As in all of our previous actions we have important friends, including the police who let us off without being charged. They also provide us access to the gated communities where these CEOs live in the lap of luxury. These police and security guards are like millions of homeowners who are either at risk of foreclosure or know someone very close to them who is in danger of losing their home. Everyone is frustrated and angry at the lenders. We will continue the fight and continue to confront Chase and others wherever they go and live who get in the way of homeowners achieving a long-term affordable mortgage payment. We are working with the lenders to have a proposal or follow-up for every homeowner prior to the end of the year. Please continue to access your Web-file for updates. We are determined to get this done for everyone who is committed to staying in their homes. We want to express our sincere thanks to the more than 150 homeowners who, with very little advance notice attended the Senate hearing. Your presence sent a very strong message. NACA is the most effective organization with hundreds of thousands of homeowners who work together getting lenders and investors to do the right thing and restructure mortgages to an affordable payment. Keep up the fight.