Nearby race and an important one.
Press Contact: Allison Teixeira
[email protected]
October 25, 2012
In Case You Missed It
ICYMI: Bera-Lungren rematch rated 'Lean Democrat'
This morning, The Center for Politics at the University of Virginia moved the Bera-Lungren race from a "toss-up" to "leans Democratic" in its updated "Sabato's Crystal Ball" rankings. This new ranking is the latest addition to the Bera campaign's building momentum since receiving the endorsements of President Clinton and The Sacramento Bee, and having the campaign's strongest fundraising quarter ever.
Center for Politics, 10/25/12
If there is one state where Republican House chances appear to be slipping, it’s in heavily Democratic California, which is why we’ve added Reps. Dan Lungren (R, CA-7) and Jeff Denham (R, CA-10) to Rep. Brian Bilbray (R, CA-52) in the “leans Democratic” column, meaning we believe all three incumbents are underdogs in their battles to return to Congress. The television air war in all three districts has been fierce; these districts occupy three of the top six slots on the list of total spending by outside groups according to the Los Angeles Times. By this time next week, Rep. Mary Bono Mack (R, CA-36) might join them in the endangered column.
Dr. Bera is a lifelong Californian and a first generation American who's running for Congress in California's 7th Congressional Dristrict. His candidacy has been endorsed by President Bill Clinton and The Sacramento Bee. According to the Wall Street Journal, his campaign is "seen by political experts as one of the nation's most competitive." Dr. Bera and his wife Janine live in Elk Grove with their 14-year old daughter. For more information about Dr. Bera, or the Bera for Congress campaign, please visit